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Overview and Architecture

Semantic Search는 Knowledge to act의 실현에 있어서 핵심적인 Technical Capabilities 중 하나 이다.

The difference between semantic search and keyword search is that keyword search returns results that match words to words, words to synonyms, or words to similar words. Semantic search looks to match the meaning of the words in the query. In some cases, semantic search might not generate results with direct word matches, but it will match the user’s intent.

Keyword search engines use query expansion or relaxation tools like synonyms or word omission. They also use natural language processing and understanding tools like typo tolerance, tokenization, and normalization. On the other hand, semantic search is able to return query results that match meaning through the use of vector search.

Consider "chocolate milk." A semantic search engine will distinguish between “chocolate milk” and “milk chocolate.” Though the keywords in the query are the same, the order in which they are written affects the meaning. As humans, we understand that milk chocolate refers to a variety of chocolate, whereas chocolate milk is chocolate-flavored milk.

Logical Architecture

Logical Architecture